Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Filming session feedback

Our first official filming session was completed on the 12th of November.

We only had a one hour time slot due to the drama studio being used by members of staff and other students, so we made sure we were adequately prepared.

To set up the studio, we first cleared the floor to make bringing in the instruments easier. We then loaded up the cargo trolley with the drum kit and hardware. Taking the instruments required multiple trips so we were helped by some other students to move the instruments as quickly as possible.

The layout of the room was inspired by bands such as mallory knox

The drum kit was placed on an elevated stand, with a guitarist either side and a singer in the middle.

We referred back to previous posts when choosing angles - here are a few that are similar.

We were not able to fully film the entire song as we only had one hour to film, and the equipment had to be transported back to their respective departments at the end of the day, which cut into our hour.

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